What We Do

  • Building the workforce of highly trained caregivers that society can’t live without
  • High-quality Training
  • Policy and Advocacy
  • Communications
  • Community Building


How We Do It

  • We welcome all communities, languages, genders, and ages.
  • We design educational offerings that promote
  • Cultural and linguistic competence.

What We Seek

  • Boost in confidence, self-efficacy, and job retention.
  • Changes in knowledge and skills, increased self-efficacy, increased confidence, decreased stress and isolation, decreased depression
  • Caregiving as a respected and recognized profession
  • Increased public awareness of the value of training, public policies promote and incentivize career pathways.
  • Seniors and people with disabilities living longer, healthier, and happier lives.
  • Increased access to health services, decreased isolation, decreased institutionalization, decreased emergency room visits, decreased hospitalizations, decreased fall rates
  • Higher standards of care.
  • Caregivers can recognize systems of care and other resources, decreased costs, caregivers seen as invaluable members of the care team, increased diversity in health professions.